SYDERE heritage
It is a branch of the Sydere Center that approaches aspects of design for cultural heritage in an innovative and systemic way. Starting from the considered asset and the territory it implements strategies for enhancement and involving local actors. The lab, analyzes the growing role of technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) in enterprise digital archival processes. These technologies not only improve the security and reliability of information, but also aim to make archives more accessible, overcoming geographic, economic and social barriers in line with SDG 4 of the 2030 Agenda. Collaborations include Studio Oliviero Toscani, Cantieri Riva, Olivetti Archives, and Carioca.

— team
team & projects’ aims
Drawing upon Italian legislation (Article 9 of the Italian Constitution, Articles 6 and 112 of the Cultural Heritage and Landscape Code, Legislative Decree No. 42 of January 22, 2004), SYDERE HERITAGE aims to enhance the territory, understood in its identity as a complex cultural context and system (referring to the Latin etymology of “complexus,” meaning “woven together”), in accordance with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – OSS/SDGs, Sustainable Development Goals.
The 2030 Agenda represents an innovative field for systemic design methodology, where it can be fully expressed and unleash its interdisciplinarity. Sydere Heritage has begun to implement its first projects pursuing this direction, specifically aiming to achieve the following goals:
main goals of the agenda 2030
Foster and strengthen partnerships between National and International Agencies, Public Authorities, Think Tanks, NGOs, and Businesses (systemic design and design for territories).
#14 | #15
Shape the theme of sustainability in all its facets (institutional, environmental, economic, and social) towards safeguarding marine and maritime life through systemic design projects for the enhancement of the Italian lighthouse system.
We aim for a strategic impact and a mutual conscious growth of the territories
Thanks to the contribution of Sydere Heritage, achieving these three goals will generate a significant, consolidated, and strategic impact, fostering mutual and conscious growth of the involved territories. This path is part of a particularly relevant timeframe: the decade 2021-2030, which the United Nations has dedicated to the safeguarding and sustainable development of the sea, oceans, and coastal territories, within the framework of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030).